Healing harm

CJP alumna leads Charlottesville restorative justice program Erin Campbell MA ‘22 (conflict transformation) is using the skills she acquired from EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) to heal harms ... read more about Healing harm

Restorative justice pioneer Howard Zehr ‘roasted’ during the celebration of anniversary edition of ‘Changing Lenses’

The Renaissance Mennonite. A friendly service dog. A teddy bear. A creative prankster. Hot Rod Howie. Many names were tossed at Howard Zehr the night of May 23, as his ... read more about Restorative justice pioneer Howard Zehr ‘roasted’ during the celebration of anniversary edition of ‘Changing Lenses’

Harrisonburg vigil protests deaths of young black men: ‘When something happens in my hometown…I carry it with me,’ says CJP student

About 35 people gathered in Court Square on Saturday [May 23, 2015]  for a vigil protesting the deaths of young black men that has made news in Baltimore, New York and other cities ... read more about Harrisonburg vigil protests deaths of young black men: ‘When something happens in my hometown…I carry it with me,’ says CJP student

EMU stage adaptation of Andy Carvin’s ‘Distant Witness’ immerses audience in tech-driven revolution of Arab Spring

The story of a man with 107,000 Twitter followers – famous for publicizing the “Arab Spring” via social media – has been dramatized by Eastern Mennonite University faculty and students. ... read more about EMU stage adaptation of Andy Carvin’s ‘Distant Witness’ immerses audience in tech-driven revolution of Arab Spring