Professors and alumni contribute to Mennomedia’s “What Now?” resources for pastors and congregations

Several EMU faculty and alumni have contributed to a new resource published by MennoMedia. Covering subjects from faith formation to sustaining leaders, “What Now? Leading Churches through COVID” resources have ... read more about Professors and alumni contribute to Mennomedia’s “What Now?” resources for pastors and congregations

Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman gains appreciation for Anabaptist leadership and values during campus visit

Internationally known speaker and psychologist Daniel Goleman visited Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) on Saturday, April 2, for a day-long training and evening lecture. Among those in the appreciative audience was ... read more about Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman gains appreciation for Anabaptist leadership and values during campus visit

‘Emotional Intelligence’ author Dan Goleman joins EMU graduate counseling faculty to share latest research on focus

Psychologist and author of Emotional Intelligence and Focus Daniel Goleman has transformed the way the world educates children, relates to family and friends, and conducts business. The Wall Street Journal ... read more about ‘Emotional Intelligence’ author Dan Goleman joins EMU graduate counseling faculty to share latest research on focus

Counseling professor explains how alopecia areata led to her baldness and, more importantly, to embracing impermanence

Four years ago, Chereè Hammond joined the faculty in the master’s in counseling program at Eastern Mennonite University. Shortly after beginning the semester – it was a Wednesday, she remembers ... read more about Counseling professor explains how alopecia areata led to her baldness and, more importantly, to embracing impermanence