Huxman joins Valley university presidents at annual Chamber event

Presidents from four of the Valley’s colleges gave an update Tuesday [Aug. 10] on how their institutions are handling COVID-19 and their plans for the fall semester during the annual Presidential Address breakfast hosted by the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce. Read DNR coverage and watch WHSV TV-3 coverage. Speakers included (from left) Susan Schultz Huxman of Eastern Mennonite University, Jonathan Alger of James Madison University, David Bushman of Bridgewater College, the chamber's president and CEO Christopher Quinn, and John Downey of Blue Ridge Community College. (Photo courtesy of Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce.) ... read more about Huxman joins Valley university presidents at annual Chamber event from WSHV-3

Sugar And Bean Café and Baking Co. is a woman-owned powerhouse

Owner Heather Brubaker Benin, a native of Rockingham County who got a master's degree in counseling from Eastern Mennonite University, started Sugar and Bean at the Bridgewater Farmers Market in 2015 after she became a stay-at-home mom. The business moved to the Harrisonburg market shortly after and the Bridgewter café opened in February 2020 after a yearlong restoration took place. ... read more about Sugar And Bean Café and Baking Co. is a woman-owned powerhouse from Daily News-Record

Ron Kraybill: Things fall apart. How to respond?

Ronald S. Kraybill PhD presents contemporary alternatives for leaders of today who need to (and generally want to) move away from the traditional top-down approach of conflict resolution. He is a facilitator, consultant and trainer in conflict resolution based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Among other positions, he was professor of conflict transformation at EMU from 1996-2007 ... read more about Ron Kraybill: Things fall apart. How to respond? from Mediate

MDS in Shenandoah Valley celebrates creativity of volunteers during pandemic

Dozens of Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) volunteers in Harrisonburg, Virginia, gathered for a picnic in May to celebrate the creative ways they had responded to community needs during the pandemic, from sewing masks and helping create patterns for Tyvek PPE gowns to parking cars at vaccine clinics, passing out information on clinic dates, and helping distribute food to quarantining EMU students. ... read more about MDS in Shenandoah Valley celebrates creativity of volunteers during pandemic from Canadian Mennonite

‘Calm and relaxation in the illustrations by Madeline Martinez’

Alumna artist Madeline Kate Hostetler Martinez '18, based on Portland, Oregon, is the featured illustrator in a weekly column on the Italian website ... read more about ‘Calm and relaxation in the illustrations by Madeline Martinez’ from, an online magazine of Style Music Photography Art Design

Restorative justice, Howard Zehr and sujatha baliga featured in Harvard Magazine

Read Harvard Magazine's coverage of restorative justice, with reference to Howard Zehr and an interview with sujatha baliga, one of the speakers at EMU's recent anniversary celebration of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Former Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice director Carl Stauffer was a keynote speaker at Harvard's 2019 RJ symposium. ... read more about Restorative justice, Howard Zehr and sujatha baliga featured in Harvard Magazine from Harvard Magazine