Buffalo News article chronicles Mennonite roots of new St. Bonaventure University president Jeff Gingerich ’90

Jeff Gingerich, the 22nd president of St. Bonaventure University, is the first non-Catholic to lead the nation’s oldest Franciscan college. The article traces how his Mennonite upbringing and education led him into Catholic higher education. ... read more about Buffalo News article chronicles Mennonite roots of new St. Bonaventure University president Jeff Gingerich ’90 from Buffalo News

CJP grads facilitate discussions at MC USA Delegate Assembly

Graduates of EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Sidney Morgan MA '21 and Matt Tibbles MA '18 provided professional facilitation services at the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly in Kansas City, Missouri in May. Morgan graduated from the transformational leadership program and is the CEO of Red Sea Road Consulting. Tibbles, who earned his degree in conflict transformation, directs the transformational leadership program at CJP and is the co-founder of Generative Futures Consulting. ... read more about CJP grads facilitate discussions at MC USA Delegate Assembly from MCUSA