Harrisonburg High's CNA program graduated 15 in May. Read more about current EMU nursing major Johana Alvarenga and the program where she got her start, led by alumna Tricia Cummings '15.
... read more about Harrisonburg High’s CNA program, run by EMU nursing alumna, connects students with VMRC from Harrisonburg Citizen
Several EMU students were among 45 recipients of college scholarships for the 2022-23 academic year. The scholarship program encourages students to explore the integration of faith and finances while helping them on their educational journeys.
... read more about Ten EMU students awarded Everence scholarships from Everence
If Jesus coached women’s track and cross country at an Ivy League university, what would that look like?
“It’s kind of a crazy question,” Hannah Chappell-Dick, the women’s cross country and assistant track coach at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, said this week during the “A Matter of Faith” podcast..
... read more about PODCAST: Hannah Chappell-Dick ’16, on reimagining Jesus as an Ivy League track and cross-country coach from A Matter of Faith
Parkway Central Library in Philadelphia hosts an exhibit from Howard Zehr and Barb Toews' latest book, “Still Doing Life: 22 Lifers 25 Years Later ." New Press contacted Vox Populi to create the exhibit in 2021, which was produced using grant money from the Art for Justice Fund.
... read more about Philadelphia library exhibit highlights photography, humanity of prisoners from Philadelphia Neighborhoods
Read Anabaptist World's tribute to seminary alumnus Pastor Basil Martin, "a 'grandfather' of the Evangelical Garifuna Anabaptist congregations in Central America and the United States.
... read more about Pastor Basil Marin MDiv ’05 bridged cultures with grace from Anabaptist World
Carol Makanda, a Nairobi-based peace consultant and alumnus of Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, believes that artistic works have previously played a significant role in the lead-up to elections, and undoubtedly influence youth participation.
... read more about Carol Makanda GC ’15 interviewed about arts-based peacebuilding from Today Nigeria
Quntashea Lewis, head basketball coach at Salem Colleg in North Carolina, has been named as the new head women's basketball coach at Virginia Wesleyan University. She earned her master's degree in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on organizational leadership.
... read more about Quntashea Lewis MA ’18, former EMU assistant, named head coach at Virginia Wesleyan from Virginia Wesleyan University
EMU's outgoing director of athletics Dave King talks with WHSV about the Royals program and career highlights
... read more about WHSV: Dave King reflects on his time at EMU from WHSV
Ethan Zook, a 1976 graduate of EMU, will be celebrated during Eastern Mennonite School's Homecoming activities, Oct. 14 and 15. The school celebrates alumni stories to hear each others’ journeys since high school and to be inspired by lives of service, professional contributions, Christian commitment, and community engagement. More details here.
... read more about Eastern Mennonite School Alumni Stories: Ethan Zook EMU’76 from Eastern Mennonite School
"Snapped," a monthly online photo album published by Macquarie University, pictures six undergraduate students from colleges and universities in Virginia who are conducting research with Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. EMU Professor Jim Yoder, pictured, is with the group. Professor Matt Siderhurst is the author of the grant that funded the research.
... read more about EMU scientists land at Macquarie University in Australia from Macquarie University