Ryan Gehman '14 coaches cross country and works in the wellness department at Landis Homes, a senior living community in Lititz. Gehman was born with autism, first diagnosed at age 4, when a doctor told his parents he would never be able to write, never be able to read beyond a fifth-grade level and would struggle with physical coordination and fine-motor skills.
... read more about Lancaster Mennonite coach Ryan Gehman ’14 says ‘running has saved my life’ from Lancaster Online
Barry Hart, professor emeritus at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, completed a one-year project with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in South Sudan. He and colleague Bena Mark, lecturer of psychology at Juba University, trained 45 psychosocial support facilitators in trauma awareness, resilience, psychosocial support, psychological first-aid, peacebuilding, restorative justice and trustbuilding, as well as a range of related subjects that are context-specific to South Sudan, but can be applied to other settings. They also produced a training manual on these subjects.
... read more about Professor publishes psychosocial support manual from UNDP
In honor of this week's Royals Go Downtown event, Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance interviewed a few EMU alumni business owners. Thanks to Mary Yoder, Dart Resale & Trade; Rhoda Miller and Joseph Harder, The Frame Factory; Josh Harold of Brothers Craft Brewing; Rob and Lisa Roeschley and Luisa and Wayne Witmer, of Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn Company; Shelby Longenecker, Magpie Bakery; and Randy Seitz, Blueline.
... read more about Alumni with downtown businesses share EMU experiences in HDR blog post from Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance