As a child, I dreamt of seeing an airplane—not even being in it—and regularly begged my father to take me to the airport to see one. These days, I fly to different regions of the world on speaking engagements as a peace and human rights advocate. The countries I have visited include the United States, Turkey, the Netherlands, Cambodia, South Africa and Rwanda, among others. I did not initially aspire to a career in peace, human rights and women and youth empowerment advocacy; I wanted to be a doctor and had successfully completed undergraduate studies in chemistry and biology at the Mother Patern College of Health Sciences, an affiliate of the Stella Maris Polytechnic, in Monrovia, Liberia. Once I began getting involved in peace advocacy, witnessing the international community’s peace efforts in my country, I realised that disarming the fighters was just an aspect of peace; to achieve genuine peace requires reconciliation among the various groups, between young and old, the genders, etc. ... read more about Gwendolyn Myers GC ‘ 14 shares her peacebuilding journey for Modern Ghana from Modern Ghana
In The News
Professor joins MCUSA congressional delegation to advocate for peace in Israel and Palestine
Six leaders from Mennonite Church USA advocated for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel during congressional visits May 22 in Washington, D.C. The visit took place just days after Israeli soldiers killed more than 60 largely nonviolent Palestinian protesters May 14 in Gaza, and many of the delegates asked their representatives to respond to this. “I relayed my deep, deep concern about the situation in Gaza, asking my representatives to take a stand for the rights of Palestinians, and given the significant amount of aid the U.S. provides to Israel each year, to call for an investigation into Israeli military actions,” said Tim Seidel, director of the Center for Interfaith Engagement at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. ... read more about Professor joins MCUSA congressional delegation to advocate for peace in Israel and Palestine from The Mennonite
Better Angels tries to lower the volume on the high-decibel noise that’s further dividing a polarized nation
More than 150 other optimists from across the U.S. gathered at Eastern Mennonite University earlier this month to chart a course for civil dialogue in a country constantly shouting at each other on-line and in person. The organization called Better Angels was formed by blue and red voters following Donald Trump's victory as president a year and a half ago. ... read more about Better Angels tries to lower the volume on the high-decibel noise that’s further dividing a polarized nation from USA Today
Book offers new perspectives on building peace through teaching English
Cheryl Woelk MA '11 (education) has co-authored Teaching English for Reconciliation: Pursuing Peace through Transformed Relationships in Language Learning and Teaching, offering insights into using the English language-learning environment to build peace. ... read more about Book offers new perspectives on building peace through teaching English from Canadian Mennonite
EMU students aid Guatemalan residents near volcano
Students Rachel Sauder and Erin Clifton were on a home-visit stay in Guatemala when the volcano erupted. ... read more about EMU students aid Guatemalan residents near volcano from Staunton News-Leader
Catcher Erik Kratz makes an early impact with Milwaukee Brewers
Alumna Melodie Davis reviews Donald Kraybill’s EMU Centennial history
Alumna Melodie Davis reviews Donald Kraybill's EMU Centennial history in this two-part post. ... read more about Alumna Melodie Davis reviews Donald Kraybill’s EMU Centennial history from Finding Harmony
10 Commencement speakers who told students to ‘Rise Up for Peace and Justice’
From Anita Hill to Chadwick Boseman, these speakers reminded students that they have the ability to improve the world they are entering. ... read more about 10 Commencement speakers who told students to ‘Rise Up for Peace and Justice’ from The Nation
Sudipta Bhattacharjee’s Telegraph op-ed includes Howard Zehr, Ray Horst on gun violence
Lindsay Mustafa Davis: Women need Christian discipleship, not female discipleship
At a Campus Crusade for Christ retreat eight years ago, I sat with 50 other young women at a Young Life camp in Goshen, Va., listening to a female speaker give a lecture about marriage. The topic was "being faithful while we wait." What I remember most from the event is not what it took to be a good Christian wife. It is what my male friend told me about what the guys learned during their session: how to follow the spirit’s calling toward their specific, unique ministries. ... read more about Lindsay Mustafa Davis: Women need Christian discipleship, not female discipleship from Sojourners