CJP student Muhammad Akram on ‘Pakistan, Blasphemy and a Way Forward’

...In my childhood in Pakistan, I was never taught that Islam advocates for violence and hatred against anyone. As I have been learning more about the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself, I see how he was mistreated multiple times by the non-Muslims and never even responded back in the same way, but instead advised to be calm and humble in response. These real life examples set by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were revolutionary and are at the heart of our faith. So then, why have many Muslims adopted violent responses to issues like blasphemy, smashing the true spirit of Islam identifying its followers with violent public riots and extremism? ... read more about CJP student Muhammad Akram on ‘Pakistan, Blasphemy and a Way Forward’ from Arc of the Universe

J. Daryl Byler column: On criminal justice reform, Virginia should move past Congress’ ‘First Step’

CJP Executive Director Daryl Byler argues that Virginia, and the United States, can do better than its current high rate of incarceration. "We can do better," he says, for our budgets and all of our communities by engaging with those who have learned from their mistakes. ... read more about J. Daryl Byler column: On criminal justice reform, Virginia should move past Congress’ ‘First Step’ from Richmond Times-Dispatch

Glamour: Chacha’s City of Hope starts new job training program and clothing design business

Tenzi Chacha, John and Regina Chacha’s daughter, is rounding out the curriculum at City of Hope by adding a new program she calls SEW, for Sewing Empowers Women.  The clothing will be sold around the world and the profits will return for the job training program for women. ... read more about Glamour: Chacha’s City of Hope starts new job training program and clothing design business from Glamour