In Ed Week op-ed, Professor Ryan Good draws attention to school closures

"America at large is facing two pandemics: racism and COVID-19. But, low-income Black and Brown children in America are facing one more, the temporary and permanent closure of their schools." Read an Ed Week op-ed co-authored by Ryan Good, assistant professor and co-director at the Washington Community Scholars Center in Washington D.C. ... read more about In Ed Week op-ed, Professor Ryan Good draws attention to school closures from Ed Week

Caitlin Morneau MA ’19 on lifting up restorative practices in a pandemic

As I walk through my own new “normal” during this time of pandemic and talk with ministry leaders and restorative justice practitioners throughout the country, there are particular components of circle process and other restorative practices that I have found hold renewed meaning in this time. ... read more about Caitlin Morneau MA ’19 on lifting up restorative practices in a pandemic from Ignatian Solidarity Network

NYT: Holmes County Amish, with former VP Jim Smucker, mobilize ‘Operation Stop Covid-19’

Here's a New York Times article on how lumber and goods company Keim in Sugarcreek, Ohio, has helped to mobilize Holmes County Amish in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. A quote from Jim Smucker, past EMU administrator and now president of Keim, wraps up the story: “We’re a very individualistic society and the Amish have a lot to teach us about community...I think the shift has got to go from ‘I,’ to ‘we.’”   ... read more about NYT: Holmes County Amish, with former VP Jim Smucker, mobilize ‘Operation Stop Covid-19’ from New York Times

Forbes: Yankees Catcher Erik Kratz Patiently Waits For His Chance At Olympic Gold

Erik Kratz is an inspiration for baseball lifers across the country. He is at an age where most athletes have long given up hope for an Olympic gold medal; however, the 39-year-old catcher remains determined to lead Team USA Baseball to Olympic glory despite the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games’ postponement. ... read more about Forbes: Yankees Catcher Erik Kratz Patiently Waits For His Chance At Olympic Gold from Forbes