He appreciates all the stops made, every inning caught and each at-bat taken. Erik Kratz’s playing career is over, he said, after 19 years in professional baseball and spending parts of the last 11 seasons in the big leagues. “There’s a ton I’m proud of,” Kratz told DN-R reporter Greg Madia.
... read more about DN-R: Kratz reflects on 19 years of professional baseball from Daily News-Record
The family of Chief (Dr) Arthur Nwankwo, Nigeria’s foremost human rights activist, writer, publisher and politician has announced the date for his burial, according to an online news source.
... read more about Remembering Nigerian human rights activist Arthur Nwankwo ’66 from Jungle Journalist
Dr. Joe Longacher '59, former President of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship, discusses his years in service serving as a general practitioner, how he found his way to the specialty of gastroenterology, and what has continued to keep him busy as a retiree. Dr. Longacher explores his immense grief, considering the death of his several family members over the last 18 months and how he and his family have found resilience in the toughest of times. The MennoHealth Cast podcast is a production of Anabaptist World, and Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship.
... read more about MennoHealth Cast: Dr. Longacher ’59 from MennoHealth Cast
Peter Dula is professor of religion and culture at Eastern Mennonite University. He worked with MCC in Iraq from 2004-2006.
... read more about Peter Dula on ‘Peacebuilding as presence: MCC assignments in “enemy” contexts’ from MCC Intersections
“I stood on bare feet on the parking lot and it was rough, it hurt my feet,” Ron Zook said. “And it just felt like a really holy moment standing there — a moment I will not forget. But then we had no idea that four or five hours later our parking lot would become the staging area and command center for the police.”
... read more about Co-pastors Ron and Judy Zook, both EMS alumni, saw a need after shooting across from their Lancaster church from Anabaptist World
EMU hopes a two-week delay and ‘COVID Commitments’ will keep classes on campus. Here's coverage and an interview with Dean of Students Shannon Dycus.
... read more about Hburg Citizen VIDEO interview with Dean of Students Shannon Dycus from Hburg Citizen
If you’re a baseball fan and a frequent user of social media, odds are you’ve seen the video. It’s a clip gone viral for all the right reasons.
... read more about Kratz goes viral for all the right reasons from Daily News-Record
Mike Gale, 42, came to Lexington after spending 14 seasons as the boys basketball coach at Stuarts Draft High in neighboring Augusta County. He is a 1996 graduate of Fort Defiance High School and a 2001 graduate of Eastern Mennonite University, where he played baseball.
... read more about Rockbridge AD Mike Gale ’01 is the new boys basketball coach from Roanoke Times
Amanda K Gross '06, MA '13 is an anti-racist organizer and artist living and working on the original land of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She blogs about the interconnectedness of racism, patriarchy, capitalism, and white womanhood at MistressSyndrome.com and is currently working on a full-length book on that same theme .
... read more about Loving the Enemy Within: Grounding in the trauma-healing work of anti-racism from Menno Snapshots
Ryan and Janie Beuthin and their three children grow flowers in an adjacent vacant lot in the Mott Park neighborhood. Ryan is a 2011 Center for Justice and Peacebuilding graduate and Janie worked in the CJP office.
... read more about Flint family uses vacant lot for cut flower business from Flintside