Ali Gohar (MA in Conflict Transformation, 2002) discusses the history of his time at CJP (arriving in the US two weeks before September 11) and the openness and welcoming aspect ... read more about My life after the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (Ali Gohar, CJP alumnus, Fulbright Fellow)
Center for Justice and Peacebuilding
Community life: the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (Ali Gohar, CJP alumnus, Fulbright Fellow)
Ali Gohar (MA in Conflict Transformation, 2002) discusses the importance of the environment at CJP and the opportunity to share experiences with faculty and other students. ... read more about Community life: the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (Ali Gohar, CJP alumnus, Fulbright Fellow)
Lisa Schirch of the 3D Security Initiative at Eastern Mennonite University discusses the root causes of the crisis and the way forward
Lisa Schirch of the 3D Security Initiative at Eastern Mennonite University discusses the root causes of the crisis and the way forward ... read more about Lisa Schirch of the 3D Security Initiative at Eastern Mennonite University discusses the root causes of the crisis and the way forward
Peacebuilder Profile: Jodi Read, CJP participant
Jodi Read is an alumna of Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. She now lives in Tucson, Arizona and works for Mennonite Central Committee doing immigration and border ... read more about Peacebuilder Profile: Jodi Read, CJP participant
Peacebuilder Profile: Robb Redsteer, CJP Participant
Robb Redsteer talks about how his experience at Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding changed his approach to traditional Navajo peacemaking. ... read more about Peacebuilder Profile: Robb Redsteer, CJP Participant
Overview of the war on Iraq and strategic alternatives
Topics addressed: Key concerns about Iraq Arguments for a war on Iraq Problems with using war to address Iraq Alternative strategies for addressing Iraq Key Concerns about Iraq: 1. Weapons ... read more about Overview of the war on Iraq and strategic alternatives
Quo vadis? Reframing terror from the perspective of conflict resolution
(Presented at the University of California, Irvine, Townhall Meeting, October 24, 2001. Distributed with permission from The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame.) The ... read more about Quo vadis? Reframing terror from the perspective of conflict resolution
Is U.S. policy being driven by the Pentagon’s hardware?
On Monday, November 5, 2001, William Raspberry wrote a Washington Post column in which he asked: “Did I miss something? A few weeks ago, the administration line was that the ... read more about Is U.S. policy being driven by the Pentagon’s hardware?
How might peacemakers respond to terrorism? A proposal to start a dialogue.
The events of September 11, 2001 may leave those of us committed to non-violent methods of conflict resolution puzzled about how to respond. As military and intelligence forces mobilize around ... read more about How might peacemakers respond to terrorism? A proposal to start a dialogue.
What motivates the terrorist or potential terrorist?
Our instinct is to assume that anyone who would fly a passenger jet into a building, killing himself, everyone on board, and thousands of other people in the building must ... read more about What motivates the terrorist or potential terrorist?