Capstone Projects 2015: Center for Justice and Peacebuilding graduates research issues of conflict transformation

When Katrina Gehman began her four-month practicum experience at the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI), she quickly learned that some terms have different meanings in different contexts.
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Annual Spring STEM Celebration features pizza, posters and trivia with profs in the renovated Suter Science Center

In conducting research, Sam Stoner says he’s learned diligence, time management, and patience – all qualities that the environmental sustainability major and business administration minor says will pay off as
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New student-led Coalition on Sexual Violence Prevention wants less ‘hush-hush’ discussion of healthy sexuality

One positive step towards preventing sexual violence on college campuses is overcoming the traditional silent treatment associated with the topic. As April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, this spring has
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Inspired by Romanian survivors of sexual trafficking, Rebekah York takes the lead and stands for #Stand4Freedom

On Tuesday, Rebekah York stood in Thomas Plaza – sometimes alone, sometimes with a crowd – surrounded by ghostly chalked outlines of feet that marked those who had stood, even
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Safe at home: Royals baseball coach Ben Spotts makes local recruiting a key contributor to success

Eastern Mennonite University head baseball coach Ben Spotts has a simple recruiting philosophy: Do not lose local athletes to other Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) schools. That’s a tough goal,
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