Philadelphia library exhibit highlights photography, humanity of prisoners

Parkway Central Library in Philadelphia hosts an exhibit from Howard Zehr and Barb Toews' latest book, “Still Doing Life: 22 Lifers 25 Years Later." New Press contacted Vox Populi to create the exhibit in 2021, which was produced using grant money from the Art for Justice Fund. ... read more about Philadelphia library exhibit highlights photography, humanity of prisoners from Philadelphia Neighborhoods

EMU scientists land at Macquarie University in Australia

"Snapped," a monthly online photo album published by Macquarie University, pictures six undergraduate students from colleges and universities in Virginia who are conducting research with Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.  EMU Professor Jim Yoder, pictured, is with the group. Professor Matt Siderhurst is the author of the grant that funded the research. ... read more about EMU scientists land at Macquarie University in Australia from Macquarie University