Inspired by Romanian survivors of sexual trafficking, Rebekah York takes the lead and stands for #Stand4Freedom

On Tuesday, Rebekah York stood in Thomas Plaza – sometimes alone, sometimes with a crowd – surrounded by ghostly chalked outlines of feet that marked those who had stood, even
... read more about Inspired by Romanian survivors of sexual trafficking, Rebekah York takes the lead and stands for #Stand4Freedom

Eastern Mennonite Missions president discusses challenges of global mission engagement in Augsburger Lecture series

To explain the dramatic changes in missions engagement over the last half-century, Nelson Okanya, MDiv ’03, president of Eastern Mennonite Missions, utilizes a stark image: a sturdy bridge, spanning a
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Emulate, a new elite vocal ensemble led by music professor Ryan Keebaugh, visits Pennsylvania for inaugural tour

Emulate, a new elite vocal ensemble from Eastern Mennonite University, will travel to Pennsylvania for a four-day “Spring Break Tour” March 5-8. In addition to four concerts at area churches,
... read more about Emulate, a new elite vocal ensemble led by music professor Ryan Keebaugh, visits Pennsylvania for inaugural tour

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy celebrated with solidarity march, music, chapel and service opportunities

What creates systems of discrimination and oppression? What power and motivation do people have to resist these systems? Where do they take comfort when hatred acts? These questions were asked
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Playwright and actor Ted Swartz brings music, comedy and storytelling to conversation about sexuality, faith and family

Three is a magic number, says veteran actor and playwright Ted Swartz. “That’s true in baseball, theater and comedy,” he says. “I generally listen when things come in threes.” The
... read more about Playwright and actor Ted Swartz brings music, comedy and storytelling to conversation about sexuality, faith and family