Seven candles were lit at an April 29 memorial service in Martin Chapel at Eastern Mennonite University—one for Michael Jesse “M.J.” Sharp ’05 and one for each of his colleagues, ... read more about EMU to honor peacebuilder Michael J. Sharp ’05 at Homecoming and Family Weekend
James Souder graduated from Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) in 2013. He majored in environmental and social sustainability, with minors in photography, biology, economics and international development. He is now pursuing ... read more about Grad School Q & A: James Souder ’13, studying at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
In an Iraqi mall on Valentine’s Day, shoppers were treated to a unique sight. Twenty-eight young people wearing traditional dress from the many cultures in the country congregated to sing, ... read more about Iraqi youth work to build culture of peace with support of CJP, alumni and Iraqi al-Amani Association
Women casting off their bonnets, pushing at the margins of traditional behavior, moving away from their faith communities and into different cultures, writing and speaking of what they were told ... read more about ‘Crossing the Line’ Anabaptist women’s history conference attracts scholars, artists and boundary-crossers
Jessica King '96, the executive director of ASSETS, is taking a leave of absence to seek a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives' 16th Congressional District. ... read more about ASSETS executive director Jessica King ’96 taking leave to run for office from Central Penn Business Journal
Everyone leaves loved ones behind to come to the Summer Peacebuilding Institute at Eastern Mennonite University. However, gender-focused interfaith peacebuilder Theresa “Tessy” Gusim-Ndasule left an especially curious six-year-old son back ... read more about Winston Fellow Tessy Gusim-Ndasule seeks to build peace among Nigerian women of faith
The Steel Wheels, the nationally recognized Shenandoah Valley-based roots music band consisting of Eastern Mennonite University alumni Trent Wagler ’02, Eric Brubaker ’01, and Brian Dickel ’98, as well as bandmate ... read more about The Steel Wheels — with deep EMU roots — to headline Centennial festivities
Matt Gnagey, now an assistant professor at Weber State (Ogden, Utah), graduated from Eastern Mennonite University in 2005, majoring in economics and justice, peace and conflict studies. He received his ... read more about Grad School Q & A: Matt Gnagey ’05, professor at Weber State
Lydell Steiner’s vocation came calling in the form of a persistent acquaintance who recognized his skills might fit a community need. The Ohio native was a team pastor at Kidron ... read more about Practicum helps CJP alumnus Lydell Steiner to found Ohio mediation center
Jean Claude Nkundwa MA ’14, who works for peace in his native country of Burundi from exile in Rwanda, accepted the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding’s Peacebuilder of the Year ... read more about Jean Claude Nkundwa MA ’14 accepts CJP Peacebuilder of the Year Award