Convo speaker Jim Shultz to EMU students about climate change’s planetary crisis: ‘You are the chosen people’

Just days after the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report detailing the anticipated impacts of global warming, Jim Shultz visited Eastern Mennonite University with a very ... read more about Convo speaker Jim Shultz to EMU students about climate change’s planetary crisis: ‘You are the chosen people’

Iris de León-Hartshorn MA ’05 talks about transformation and hope for ‘real change’ in Mennonite Church USA

IRIS DE LEÓN-HARTSHORN MA ’05 has served Mennonite Central Committee (1996-2007) and Mennonite Church USA (2007-present) in various leadership roles. Previously the church’s director of transformative peacemaking, the Portland, Oregon, ... read more about Iris de León-Hartshorn MA ’05 talks about transformation and hope for ‘real change’ in Mennonite Church USA

CJP degree candidates experience practicums in peace education, historical memory, restorative justice and more

Second-year master’s degree candidates in the conflict transformation and restorative justice programs at Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) recently completed practicums engaging with peace education, historical ... read more about CJP degree candidates experience practicums in peace education, historical memory, restorative justice and more

Water and sanitation challenges in Appalachia the subject of Wednesday’s Suter Science Seminar

Leigh-Anne Krometis, associate professor in biological systems engineering at Virginia Tech., will present a Suter Science Seminar at Eastern Mennonite University Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 4 p.m. Krometis will discuss ... read more about Water and sanitation challenges in Appalachia the subject of Wednesday’s Suter Science Seminar