Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell

Professor Melody M. Pannell shares experiences in researching the effects of racism and sexism, as well as historical trauma, on the mental health of young black girls in this article for the magazine of Mennonite Women USA.     ... read more about Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell from Timbrel

VCU professor, expert on African American women and the Bible to speak on ‘Sketches of Slave Life’

Professor Katherine Bassard brings her expertise in African American literature to Eastern Mennonite University on Thursday, Nov. 10. She will give a presentation titled ‘Truly a Christian Act’: Freedom and
... read more about VCU professor, expert on African American women and the Bible to speak on ‘Sketches of Slave Life’

Harrisonburg’s dual-language program and its many EMU-trained teachers recognized as state leader

Harrisonburg City Public Schools has become a leader in Virginia for its approach to dual language learner education, says a new report from New America, a think tank and civic enterprise committed to renewing American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age. Eastern Mennonite University alumni make up the bulk of the program's teachers. ... read more about Harrisonburg’s dual-language program and its many EMU-trained teachers recognized as state leader from New America