Plant pathologist crowdfunds research to combat the emerald ash borer and work towards saving North American ash trees

When David Showalter decided to focus on plant pathology, he didn’t anticipate he’d ever mount an online donation campaign to support his research. But Showalter, a 2009 biochemistry graduate of
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Wildlife Federation backs interdisciplinary work – science, digital media, peacebuilding – on stream restoration

A $200,000 grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Federation will give science, peacebuilding and digital media students at Eastern Mennonite University opportunity to work together on a stream restoration
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Retired, long-time science and math professors recall teaching wide range of topics in original Suter building

A hammer banged away on the $7 million renovation project of Suter Science Center as six retired professors talked about their careers in the 46-year-old Eastern Mennonite University building. They
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