Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Isaac Dahl is a religious and intercultural studies major. Quinn Kathrineberg plans on a career as an English teacher. Maria Yoder wants to be a doctor. Among the members of
... read more about Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Photography class photos helped efforts to block Atlantic Coast Pipeline on sensitive sections of national forestland

Striking photos taken by an Eastern Mennonite University professor and his students of a rarely seen, endangered salamander supported citizen lobbying that may have influenced a U.S. Forest Service decision
... read more about Photography class photos helped efforts to block Atlantic Coast Pipeline on sensitive sections of national forestland

Join the ‘Suter West’ campaign: Phase II renovations will host lab spaces, new engineering program and updated museum

If a building could have a motto, Suter Science Center, named after longtime professor Dr. Daniel B. Suter, might have “Science, service, success” as its memorable catchphrase. Since its opening
... read more about Join the ‘Suter West’ campaign: Phase II renovations will host lab spaces, new engineering program and updated museum