Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Isaac Dahl is a religious and intercultural studies major. Quinn Kathrineberg plans on a career as an English teacher. Maria Yoder wants to be a doctor. Among the members of
... read more about Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Winning C. Henry Smith orator examines conflict in the Mennonite church; other winners explore gun violence, race

“My speech wrote itself,” said Bethany Chupp, winner of the C. Henry Smith Oratorical Contest at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU). The winning speech, titled “Standing At the Door,” came so
... read more about Winning C. Henry Smith orator examines conflict in the Mennonite church; other winners explore gun violence, race

International flags fly in the University Commons, as chapel service dedicates The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations

The flags of 55 countries now hang in “The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations,” dedicated during a chapel service at the University Commons at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) on
... read more about International flags fly in the University Commons, as chapel service dedicates The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations

Residence director, athletics photographer and soon-to-be-graduate Scott Eyre came from Canada, twice, to become an integral contributor to the EMU community

For Scott Eyre – residence director of Cedarwood Hall at Eastern Mennonite University, sports photographer for the Royals, and soon-to-be-graduate – the journey to the present day has included “a
... read more about Residence director, athletics photographer and soon-to-be-graduate Scott Eyre came from Canada, twice, to become an integral contributor to the EMU community