Alicia Horst, executive director of NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center, talks about her faith, education and work

Alicia Horst ’01, MDiv ’06, was recently featured in “Seven Questions With …,” a new weekly online feature of The Mennonite which highlights Anabaptist individuals “engaged in important work and
... read more about Alicia Horst, executive director of NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center, talks about her faith, education and work

Playwright and teacher Sheri Bailey, an advocate for racial healing and dialogue, brings next Writers Read installment

“A great forum for people with radically different perspectives to have a reasonable discussion” – that’s how playwright Sheri Bailey characterizes one of her most popular plays, “Abolitionists’ Museum,” in
... read more about Playwright and teacher Sheri Bailey, an advocate for racial healing and dialogue, brings next Writers Read installment

Where do I study peace and justice? offers updated info on programs in the U.S. and Canada

Forty-three institutions are described in the updated, online “College Guide to Peace Studies Programs,” a listing of American and Canadian colleges and universities that offer degrees in which the study
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Harrisonburg native and biology professor to talk about research with tuatara, a rare New Zealand reptile

Harrisonburg native and biology professor Kristine Grayson comes to Eastern Mennonite University to present a Suter Science Seminar on a common problem for the conservation and management of endangered populations.
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Alumna’s ‘Creation’ series of six vibrant, colorful paintings hangs in renovated Suter Science Center

Alumna Katherine Burling’s six-piece “Creation” painting series was stashed carefully in storage while Suter Science Center renovations were completed. In the ensuing months, much has changed in Burling’s life. She’s
... read more about Alumna’s ‘Creation’ series of six vibrant, colorful paintings hangs in renovated Suter Science Center

Presidential search committee holds second meeting on campus, calls for nominations and applications

The Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) presidential search committee continues to make progress on the search for the institution’s ninth president. The committee convened Oct. 2-3, 2015 on campus for its
... read more about Presidential search committee holds second meeting on campus, calls for nominations and applications

‘This generation’s cigarette’: media and religion professors team up to analyze selfie culture

Cell-phones are this generation’s cigarette. That was one analysis provided by Jerry Holsopple and Linford Stutzman to students participating in an October Living and Learning Forum at Eastern Mennonite University.
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Women’s Peacebuilding Leadership Program announces more than $900,000 in new grant funding

Two recent grant awards will support continued growth of the Women’s Peacebuilding Leadership Program (WPLP) at Eastern Mennonite University. A nearly $900,000 grant was received from U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
... read more about Women’s Peacebuilding Leadership Program announces more than $900,000 in new grant funding