Portrait of fictional president unveiled while student-historian interns at American Art and Portrait Gallery library

In the National Portrait Gallery hangs a portrait of every president of the United States. Elsa Miller was recently present for the latest addition, which was, strangely enough, the portrait
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International flags fly in the University Commons, as chapel service dedicates The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations

The flags of 55 countries now hang in “The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations,” dedicated during a chapel service at the University Commons at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) on
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Veterans Administration psychologist and chaplain program director presents ‘Reevaluating the Invisible Wounds of War’

Clinical psychologist Jason Nieuwsma presents a Suter Science Seminar on the invisible wounds of war at 4 p.m., Friday, April 8, in Suter Science 106 at Eastern Mennonite University. Nieuwsma
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Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman gains appreciation for Anabaptist leadership and values during campus visit

Internationally known speaker and psychologist Daniel Goleman visited Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) on Saturday, April 2, for a day-long training and evening lecture. Among those in the appreciative audience was
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Celebrating Service: Pamela Rutt heads back to the classroom, fulfilling a dream as a sign language interpretor

This year, several Eastern Mennonite University faculty and staff, among them Pamela Rutt, former assistant director of the graduate teacher education program  in Lancaster, are moving into retirement after many
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