Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Isaac Dahl is a religious and intercultural studies major. Quinn Kathrineberg plans on a career as an English teacher. Maria Yoder wants to be a doctor. Among the members of
... read more about Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Veterans’ needs are an area of rising concern, and an opportunity for learning and ministry, at Eastern Mennonite Seminary

A conversation about the needs and issues facing military veterans has been arising in an unexpected place this year: the halls of Eastern Mennonite Seminary (EMS). The dialogue has grown
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Committed to serving fellow veterans, Michael McAndrew earns scholarship to complete counseling, conflict transformation degrees

U.S. Navy veteran Michael McAndrew, a graduate student at Eastern Mennonite University, plans to use his education to provide mental health services for military veterans. His professional path towards a
... read more about Committed to serving fellow veterans, Michael McAndrew earns scholarship to complete counseling, conflict transformation degrees