EMU’s Common Read selection ‘Memory of Water’ addresses drought, climate change and hidden knowledge

Water, water everywhere—and so many people take it for granted. As the life-giving liquid becomes an increasingly significant global resource, though, Eastern Mennonite University wants to make sure students are
... read more about EMU’s Common Read selection ‘Memory of Water’ addresses drought, climate change and hidden knowledge

Graduate program in restorative justice, building on Howard Zehr’s legacy, is the first of its kind in North America

In the fall of 2016, Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) debuted an expanded course catalog featuring its new MA in Restorative Justice program. In keeping with
... read more about Graduate program in restorative justice, building on Howard Zehr’s legacy, is the first of its kind in North America

‘The last will be the first’: social psychologist Christena Cleveland shares a new paradigm of privilege at faculty/staff conference

“The last will be first and the first will be the last: This is what equality looks like, this is what justice is about.” Dr. Christena Cleveland, a social psychologist
... read more about ‘The last will be the first’: social psychologist Christena Cleveland shares a new paradigm of privilege at faculty/staff conference