Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir celebrates 25 years with weekend alumni gatherings and three concerts

Once memorized, always memorized—Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir (SVCC) alumnus Riley Maas says she often finds herself humming or singing music learned years before. “The music of SVCC will always be
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Prepare for civic engagement and tough conversations in polarized times at 2017 Summer Peacebuilding Institute

The skills taught for 22 years at Eastern Mennonite University’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute have always been relevant to people in the United States, but now they have a renewed significance.
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Stay tuned to spring semester cross-culturals traveling in Guatemala/Colombia, the Middle East and Washington D.C.

Student Robert Propst invites readers into the world of Guatemala, where he and other members of the spring Guatemala and Colombia trip led by Professor Ann Hershberger and her husband,
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Our Royal Pride: Harry Potter fan Nicole Litwiller leads creation of ‘Royals Cup’ competition to perk student interest in campus activities

“Our Royal Pride” is an occasional series celebrating Eastern Mennonite University’s undergraduate students who  contribute to campus life in extraordinary ways in addition to their academic pursuits. These students enthusiastically create
... read more about Our Royal Pride: Harry Potter fan Nicole Litwiller leads creation of ‘Royals Cup’ competition to perk student interest in campus activities