MennoHealth Cast: Dr. Longacher ’59

Dr. Joe Longacher '59, former President of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship, discusses his years in service serving as a general practitioner, how he found his way to the specialty of gastroenterology, and what has continued to keep him busy as a retiree.  Dr. Longacher explores his immense grief, considering the death of his several family members over the last 18 months and how he and his family have found resilience in the toughest of times. The MennoHealth Cast podcast is a production of Anabaptist World, and Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship. ... read more about MennoHealth Cast: Dr. Longacher ’59 from MennoHealth Cast

Nursing grad Kellie Thiessen ’95 to lead U of Manitoba’s new bachelor of midwifery program

As the University of Manitoba's College of Nursing gets ready to introduce its bachelor of midwifery program in September 2021, the program’s director, Kellie Thiessen '95, hopes to see change in how policy-makers approach the profession. She points to a need for better access to maternity care options in rural and remote Manitoba. And she hopes for greater recognition of the benefits of midwifery care, both to childbearing families and to an efficient health-care system. ... read more about Nursing grad Kellie Thiessen ’95 to lead U of Manitoba’s new bachelor of midwifery program from University of Manitoba Rady Health Sciences

EMU offers free webinars for ministry, parents, educators, healthcare professionals, racial and social justice advocates

Eastern Mennonite University offers several academic and professional programs related to trauma and resilience and restorative justice, and integrates this expertise into general coursework for programs not specifically focused on ... read more about EMU offers free webinars for ministry, parents, educators, healthcare professionals, racial and social justice advocates

2020 Excellence in Teaching awards honor professors Daniel Showalter, Johonna Turner and Bonnie Yoder

Eastern Mennonite University announces three honors of the annual Excellence in Teaching Awards: in the Tenured Faculty category, Daniel Showalter PhD, associate professor of mathematics;  in the Pre-tenure Faculty category, ... read more about 2020 Excellence in Teaching awards honor professors Daniel Showalter, Johonna Turner and Bonnie Yoder