Center for Justice and Peacebuilding
Poet, theologian and peacemaker Pádraig Ó Tuama to make a virtual visit to EMU Sept. 14-18
SPI course brings peacebuilding into the post-truth internet arena
In tough times, EMU alumni, donors show up together
Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute in demand for racial justice trainings
NBC News: Professor Johonna Turner on ‘defund the police’ movement and new paths to justice for sexual assault survivors
Reclaimed police funds could be distributed to shelters, rape crisis centers, mental health services and programs to combat sexual violence, experts say ... Community-driven responses to sexual violence like transformative justice offer some insight on how that might come to fruition. While there is no single definition, transformative justice could be broadly defined as a “framework that doesn’t depend on solving violence with another form of violence,” Johonna Turner, an assistant professor of restorative justice and peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, said. ... read more about NBC News: Professor Johonna Turner on ‘defund the police’ movement and new paths to justice for sexual assault survivors from NBC News
ROYALS RESPOND: Pandemic postcards from across the globe
RJE Conference focuses on youth leaders as ‘the ambassadors for change’
‘Dangerous Love’ podcast hosts Zehr Institute co-director Carl Stauffer
John Paul Lederach on the power and pause of pandemic haiku
One thing haiku calls for, and what is often least found but most needed in times of war or its aftermath, is the ability to pause and be in the moment. Read more on the art of haiku and peacebuilding with poet John Paul Lederach, founding director of EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, ... read more about John Paul Lederach on the power and pause of pandemic haiku from Notre Dame