Center for Justice and Peacebuilding
CJP supporters give generously during 25th Anniversary year
Join virtual events with poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama Sept. 14-18
Loving the Enemy Within: Grounding in the trauma-healing work of anti-racism
Amanda K Gross '06, MA '13 is an anti-racist organizer and artist living and working on the original land of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She blogs about the interconnectedness of racism, patriarchy, capitalism, and white womanhood at MistressSyndrome.com and is currently working on a full-length book on that same theme. ... read more about Loving the Enemy Within: Grounding in the trauma-healing work of anti-racism from Menno Snapshots
Conference to explore history of Brethren, Mennonite churches on issues of race
Flint family uses vacant lot for cut flower business
Ryan and Janie Beuthin and their three children grow flowers in an adjacent vacant lot in the Mott Park neighborhood. Ryan is a 2011 Center for Justice and Peacebuilding graduate and Janie worked in the CJP office. ... read more about Flint family uses vacant lot for cut flower business from Flintside
Christianity Today: Professor David Evans on ‘racial reconciliation’
"So-called 'racial reconciliation' is primarily a white Christian attempt to remedy the tension in American race relations. But from a black perspective, racism is not so much interpersonal as institutional." Read the full article by Dr. David Evans, associate professor of history and intercultural studies at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. ... read more about Christianity Today: Professor David Evans on ‘racial reconciliation’ from Christianity Today
EMU hosts digital collection of humanitarian and armed conflict researcher Larry Minear
STAR video series: How to get ‘unstuck’ from trauma responses
The Presbyterian Outlook features Richmond chapter of Coming To The Table
Danita Rountree Green shares about Coming to the Table in Richmond, Virginia (CTTT-RVA), a local nonprofit that invites people to engage in the sharing of stories at the table where food and facilitation become the perfect ingredients for spawning new friendships across the racial divide. We invite you to meet the ever-growing CTTT-RVA family and join us as we deal with our country’s oldest problem: the legacy of enslavement and the racism it has spawned. We are excited about our work: taking disparate stories and developing a shared narrative leading to healing. CTTT orginated at EMU. ... read more about The Presbyterian Outlook features Richmond chapter of Coming To The Table from The Presbyterian Outlook