Homecoming Breakfast Featured Judith Trumbo

The 2008 Homecoming Breakfast sponsored by the Department of Business and Economics and the local MEDA chapter featured EMU alumnae Judith Trumbo, Transitions Director for Rockingham Memorial Hospital. The breakfast, which is held annually, was attended by community business persons, EMU faculty and staff, EMU alumni, and current students from the Department of Business & Economics.

Judith Trumbo
EMU alumnae Judith Trumbo, transitions director for Rockingham Memorial Hospital, takes questions from the audience during the business department’s 2008 Homecoming Breakfast.

Trumbo directs a Transition Committee that is responsible for all phases of the transition of the hospital to a newly constructed campus. Her presentation considered the rationale for constructing a new campus, benefits to the community, and the efforts to insure that the new buildings will be environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

In particular, Trumbo focused on the logistical challenges of planning and implementing the move of a health care facility that employs 2,200 people, houses 50 departments, and has patients in need of acute care 24-7. Plans are to move mid-2010. The magnitude of such a project is overwhelming. In answering the question “How do you move a hospital?” Judith answered, “The same way you eat an elephant . . . One bite at a time!”