The Peace Table is a new children’s storybook Bible emphasizing peacemaking. It features the work of 30 artists to illustrate 140 stories. This illustration by LaTonya Jackson appears on an introductory page. (Photo courtesy of Shine Curriculum)

In the News: Seminary student a writer and editor of new Anabaptist children’s Bible

Chrissie Muecke, current Master of Arts in Christian Leadership student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, is a writer and editor of The Peace Table: A Storybook Bible, a new Bible inspired by Anabaptism specifically for children ages five to 11.

A team of writers and theological consultants—along with 30 artists from seven countries—worked for a year and a half to create The Peace Table, an extension of the Shine: Living in God’s Light Sunday school curriculum. The title’s focus on a table represents the invitation to all people, even those who disagree or don’t look the same, to gather around God’s table.

“It was important to us to have this sense that Jesus is for all people, at all times, in all places, so children see the image of God in themselves,” shared Muecke in an interview with Anabaptist World. Peacemaking is emphasized in the new Bible’s story selection, word choices, art and additional resources, she says. Churches and families can draw on examples of strategies for “having peace with God, self, others and creation.”

Sarah Bixler, assistant professor of formation and practical theory and associate dean of EMS, supervised Muecke in a seminary practicum and “witnessed this storybook Bible take shape around the theme of peace as Chrissie embodied her Anabaptist theological commitments in the writing process.” “It is inspiring to see this integration of seminary study and creation of faith formation resources for all ages… a true coming together of the academy and the church.”

Muecke has a master’s degree in elementary teaching and curriculum from the University of Rochester and has worked for MennoMedia and Brethren Press as a curriculum writer and editor for 14 years. Muecke has co-authored three previous Bible storybooks: All of Us, All Together, and Great Big Love.

The Peace Table, published by Herard Press and Brethren Press, can be preordered for 25% off until June 1 at before it is officially released in July.

Read more about this project on the Anabaptist World website.

The Peace Table magnifies God’s movement for peace throughout scripture. I have never seen a children’s Bible with such integrity to the original texts, beauty in art and prose, emphasis on the theme of peace and anti-oppression commitment that pervade the entire project. I will heartily recommend this Bible to Christian educators and seminary students, read it with my children and draw from it to nourish my own soul.

–  Sarah Bixler, assistant professor and associate dean of EMS