Eastern Mennonite University will celebrate the 2019 season of Advent and Christmas with a variety of musical performances and festivities. Please join us!
Wednesday, Dec. 4, EMU Jazz Ensemble Concert, Lehman Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
The ensemble, under the direction of Robert Curry, will present a concert of Christmas favorites and other jazz classics. The event is free, but donations are welcomed to benefit the EMU Music Scholarship Fund.
Friday, Dec. 6, EMU Chamber Orchestra Concert, Lehman Auditorium 7 p.m.
The orchestra, under the direction of Benjamin Bergey, presents “Music from London.” The program includes musical selections by John Williams, Joseph Haydn, and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. The event is free, but donations are welcomed to benefit the EMU Music Scholarship Fund.
Friday, Dec. 6, Y-Serve Christmas Caroling, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Organized by Y-Serve and Hymn Sing, all are invited to meet in front of the EMU University Commons at 4:10 p.m. to walk over to the VMRC Woodland Homes to sing Christmas carols to the residents. Hymnals will be provided.

Saturday, Dec. 7, 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8, 4 p.m., Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir Christmas Concert, Lehman Auditorium
Join SVCC’s Concert, Treble and Preparatory Choirs with artistic director Janet Hostetter and assistant director Joy Anderson for a Christmas concert on the theme of STARS! Musical offerings include standard works such as Antonio Vivaldi’s “Et Exultavit” from Magnificat and Leonard Bernstein’s “Gloria Tibi” from Mass. Ēriks Ešenvalds “Stars” featuring the ringing of water glasses will be performed by the mixed-voice subset of Concert Choir. Arrangements of traditional carols and spirituals include “Deck the Hall,” “Sussex Carol,” “Mary Had a Baby,” and the Nicaraguan folk song “Niño Precioso.” A jazz arrangement of “Cool Yule,” as recorded by Louis Armstrong, will provide toe-tapping enjoyment for all. Start your 2019 holiday season with starry imagery and the beautiful voices of the Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir! Audience members will be invited to participate in the singing of traditional carols throughout the concert. Tickets available online through EMU’s box office https://emu.edu/box-office/ or call to purchase tickets (540) 432-4582.
Sunday, Dec. 8, EMU Wind Ensemble Concert, Lehman Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
The ensemble, under the direction of Robert Curry, invites you to their annual Christmas concert. The event is free to attend, but donations are welcomed to benefit the EMU Music Scholarship Fund.
Monday, Dec. 9, Campus Christmas Lighting of the Green, Thomas Plaza, 4 p.m.
Students, retirees, faculty and staff, and their families are invited to gather on the plaza for a new event including festive Christmas carols, refreshments, and an official “lighting” of EMU’s front campus.
Monday, Dec. 9, Lessons and Carols Service, Martin Chapel, 7 p.m.
EMU’s Department of Music and Campus Ministries will host the annual “Christmas Lessons and Carols” service in the seminary’s Martin Chapel. In this classic event, scripture passages will feature the image of light and trace themes of need and longing, stories surrounding the birth of Jesus, and the celebration of ‘God with us!’ In addition to congregational singing with the EMU University Choir, musical selections will be offered by the music department’s faculty and students. A freewill offering will benefit the Campus Ministries Compassion Fund.
Tuesday, Dec. 10, A Bach Festival Christmas, Martin Chapel, 7:30 p.m.
The Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival, now in its 28th season, will celebrate the holidays with “A Bach Festival Christmas” concert featuring soprano Susan Gouthro, trumpet player Christine Carrillo, and pianist David Berry performing classical favorites and holiday gems. This popular annual concert is free and open to the public; donations will be gratefully accepted to benefit the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival. A reception will follow the concert.