EMU business major Phil Tyson
The 2009 MEDA Convention in San Jose challenged me to think about the business profession as a calling. Many of the plenary sessions and seminars provided thought-provoking ideas or concepts and gave insight into different opportunities in business.
Learning from the economic crisis
One particular seminar that I enjoyed featured Bart Miller, a liquidity risk specialist at the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago.
Bart detailed the economic crisis from his professional point of view but also included his personal insight and criticism of actions taken by the Federal Government. He gave opinions on how the financial industry needed to change and how the landscape of business will be different.
Plenary sessions: green tech, worldwide issues, and family business
Attending the MEDA Convention allowed me to gain knowledge about a wide range of topics in business. The plenary sessions discussed the development of green technology, worldwide food production, and a family business that has improved the quality of life for its employees while maintaining profitability.
All of these sessions gave me real world application for concepts and issues discussed in my classes at EMU.
My attendance at the MEDA Convention also allowed me to interact with professionals in different business sectors.
Making connections
I talked to the President of Goodville Mutual, the co-owners of a family-operated custom home builder, the president of a warehousing and logistics company, and the President of Hatfield.
Some of my extended family work for Hatfield or have worked there in the past, so this informal discussion led to some interesting connections and stories.
By sponsoring me, the Shenandoah Valley MEDA Chapter allowed me to gain real world insight into a career, challenged my personal views, and supplemented my education at EMU.