A gospel concert, a candlelight prayer walk and a community recognition gathering, all designed to hear and respond to “the voice” of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., are planned at Eastern Mennonite University to commemorate the life and work of the late civil rights leader.
The Yancey Brothers from Newark, Del., will present their unique blend of traditional gospel harmonies in concert 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14, in the Campus Center Greeting Hall at EMU.

The Yancey Brothers
The group consists of three generations of the Yancey family – Joe and David Yancey for over 40 years and James for 38 years, with the second and third generation members David Yancey II, Mark Gibson and Dwayne, Daryl and dDwight Yancey.
Their latest recording is “O Lord I’ll Go,” released by Gloryland Gospel Music.
Prayer Walk Planned
A candlelight prayer walk from the Campus Center to the fountain in center campus will follow the concert at approximately 8 p.m. Admission to the program is free; a love offering will be taken.
At 10 a.m. Monday (King Day), campus and community members are invited to come together to hear “the voice of MLK” in the Campus Center Greeting Hall. Excerpts from selected King speeches will be played, with opportunity for persons to offer thoughts and reflections on his life and legacy.
“We envision that this time of hearing the voice of Dr. King will inspire and strengthen our community to offer their unique voice to the world as we strive to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God,” Ms. Pannell said.
The programs are co-sponsored by the multicultural services office and campus ministries at EMU. For more information, call 540-432-4458.