Lilian Calles Barger will speak 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, in Martin Chapel at Eastern Mennonite Seminary on the theme, “Declaring the Wisdom of God in an Information Age.”

Lilian Calles Barger
Barger is the author of “Eve’s Revenge: Women and a Spirituality of the Body” and “Chasing Sophia: Reclaiming the Lost Wisdom of Jesus.” She will focus on material from the latter book in her chapel address.
In 1997, Barger helped create The Damaris Project, a place of dialog where women can talk about spirituality in new and relevant ways. The Damaris Salon has become the vehicle for ongoing conversation.
In this role, she works as a researcher, cultural critic, writer and speaker on the intersection of the teachings of Jesus and contemporary issues. She is considered an expert in feminist spirituality and theology and an astute observer of social trends.
A brown bag lunch discussion with Barger will be held in seminary room 203 at noon on Dec. 4.
Seminary chapels are free and open to the public. For more information, contact seminary campus pastor Kevin Clark, 540-432-4217 or