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A theater piece that celebrates the energy, hope and faith of nine young people from the Bronx, New York City, will be performed twice at Eastern Mennonite University as part of Black History Month observances.
The play, “wHAcHAgoNNAdU?”, combines the words, stories, poetry and music of youth in confronting the deepest questions of their lives.
Performances will be given 7 and 9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20. in the Studio Theater at EMU.
Hyacinth Banks Stevens and Marisha Joseph of King of Glory Tabernacle in the Bronx and Ingrid De Sanctis, a former theater professor at EMU, worked with the young people to create a dramatic venue for their creative expressions.
The troupe gave the play several times at the Mennonite General Assembly convention held the first week of July, 2003, in Atlanta, Ga.
The performances are sponsored by LEAP (Learning, Exploring and Participating), a new iniative at Eastern Mennonite Seminary to help young people discern and sharpen their leadership gifts and to explore the ministry as a potential vocation.
The studio theater is located on ground floor at the south end of EMU’s University Commons.
Admission is $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
For reservations, call the EMU box office at 540-432-4582.