From local exhibits to collaborative international research, here is a sampling of faculty accomplishments for late spring, summer and fall 2019.

Tara Kishbaugh and Steve Cessna, professors and co-principal investigators of a 2016 NFS research award on the same topic, edited Increasing Retention of Under-represented Students in STEM through Affective and Cognitive Interventions (American Chemistry Society Symposium Studies, 2019). Daniel Showalter, professor of mathematics, was a co-contributor of essay content.

Melody Cash, professor of nursing and co-director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program (a consortium with Goshen College), contributed to the program’s successful accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The DNP is the first doctoral degree offered by the five Mennonite colleges and universities. The first cohort graduates in spring 2020.

Benjamin Bergey ’11, professor of music, chairs the tune and accompaniment subcommittee for the new Mennonite worship and song resource Voices Together. He is also editor and compiler for the accompaniment edition.

Matthew Siderhurst, professor of chemistry, was awarded a total of $670,000 in grants from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, USDA, and NSF. The latter grant facilitates EMU and other area students to conduct fruit fly biosecurity-related research in Australia over the next three years. He also co-authored papers with students in the Journal of Economic Entomology and the Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture.

Andrew Suderman, professor of theology, attended the Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival in June in the Netherlands in his role as secretary of Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Commission.

Johonna Turner, professor of restorative justice and peacebuilding at CJP, gave the keynote address “Race, Gender and Restorative Justice: Ten Gifts of a Critical Race Feminist Approach” at a fall 2019 University of Richmond Law School symposium to an audience of lawyers, law professors and law students.

Anna Westfall, professor of art, exhibited works at Community Mennonite Church, Asbury United Methodist Church, and with the Arts Council of the Valley.