Sho Igawa currently works for a Japanese NGO in Jerusalem where he coordinates a youth resilience and community health program benefiting Palestinian schools. He is also in charge of developing advocacy strategies calling for the kind of society in which Palestinians and Israelis can live in their full freedom and dignity. Sho believes that for the two peoples to build peace more successfully, the inequalities and oppressions among the Jewish sectors of society must be properly addressed. Finally, he aspires to help create graphic novels for Israeli young adults to learn about each other across their diverse society. In the past, Sho cofounded the Mostar Summer Youth Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina and taught English to businesspeople in Tokyo.

Sho Igawa
M.A. in Conflict Transformation, 2017
Eastern Asia, Israel, Japan, North America, United States of America, Western Asia
Fields of Practice
This profile was last updated February 4, 2018