DeMointé Wesley is a student of restorative justice, conflict transformation, and liberatory politics. As an RJ practitioner, they have helped guide others in their restorative justice journey by teaching workshops, holding community spaces, and facilitating repair of harm processes in communities and workplaces. DeMointé previously served as a facilitator of childhood education (a.k.a. a “teacher”), where they practiced youth-centered restorative and liberatory education, rooted in the belief that the world would be a vastly better place if we all had this learning from an early age. They currently serve as the Assistant Director of Partnerships and Communications for the National Center on Restorative Justice and as an Advisory Board member for Restorative Houston. DeMointé earned their Master’s Degree in Transformational Leadership from Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding in 2024.

DeMointé Wesley
This profile was last updated September 2, 2024