Restorative justice programs in schools need to build slowly and address campus climate issues, says professor Kathy Evans in The Atlantic

Restorative justice within schools can’t exist in a vacuum, says Kathy Evans, an assistant professor of education at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), in a Dec. 29, 2015 article in The ... read more about Restorative justice programs in schools need to build slowly and address campus climate issues, says professor Kathy Evans in The Atlantic

Restorative justice alum Joseph Luciani garners national attention by dramatically reducing suspensions in LA schools

One Los Angeles school has experienced a “tectonic” decrease in suspensions, with more L.A. schools preparing to follow suit, as a result of the restorative disciplinary efforts of Joseph Luciani, ... read more about Restorative justice alum Joseph Luciani garners national attention by dramatically reducing suspensions in LA schools