EMU professors, graduates attend Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival in The Netherlands

The second Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival, held June 27-30 in the Netherlands, drew more than 200 peacebuilders, including Bible, religion and theology professor and Peace Commission secretary Andrew ... read more about EMU professors, graduates attend Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival in The Netherlands

Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

Madalynn Payne, traveling this summer with the “Radical Europe Anabaptist Roots” cross-cultural group from Eastern Mennonite University, says train travel, walking tours, independent exploration and dining in unfamiliar cultures have ... read more about Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

EMU students see restorative justice principles in action during annual visit to Graterford correctional facility

Each year, a group of undergraduate and graduate students from Eastern Mennonite University studying restorative justice travel to Graterford State Correctional Institution in Pennsylvania for a unique opportunity to learn ... read more about EMU students see restorative justice principles in action during annual visit to Graterford correctional facility