Twenty years later, photographer and author Howard Zehr revisits people serving life sentences

Twenty years ago, Howard Zehr published "Doing Life," a book of photos and interviews of nearly 60 lifers in Pennsylvania prisons. He’s been revisiting about two dozen of those men and women in preparation for a follow-up, which he’s calling “Coping with Life.” ... read more about Twenty years later, photographer and author Howard Zehr revisits people serving life sentences from WMRA/NPR

Leymah Gbowee ’07, a 2011 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, will speak at the Naval War College on August 10th

Leymah Gbowee, a 2011 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, will deliver a keynote address on “The Critical Significance of Engaging Women in Peace and Security” at the U.S. Naval War College on August 10th at 6:30 pm. ... read more about Leymah Gbowee ’07, a 2011 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, will speak at the Naval War College on August 10th from What'sUpNewp (Rhode Island)