Twenty years later, photographer and author Howard Zehr revisits people serving life sentences

Twenty years ago, Howard Zehr published "Doing Life," a book of photos and interviews of nearly 60 lifers in Pennsylvania prisons. He’s been revisiting about two dozen of those men and women in preparation for a follow-up, which he’s calling “Coping with Life.” ... read more about Twenty years later, photographer and author Howard Zehr revisits people serving life sentences from WMRA/NPR

Summer 2017 at WCSC: students intern with NASA, the Smithsonian Institute, midwives, physical therapists and more

Assisting at home births, seeing the bullet that killed President Garfield and rewriting an accounting policies handbook are just some of the on-the-job experiences enjoyed by the 13 students in
... read more about Summer 2017 at WCSC: students intern with NASA, the Smithsonian Institute, midwives, physical therapists and more

Sojourners honors DACA advocate Isabel Castillo ’07, MA ’17, for ‘exceptional efforts’ towards equity and peace

When Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) graduate Isabel Castillo was recognized as a “Movement Honoree” by Sojourners at its June 2017 Healing and Resistance Summit at Gallaudet University in Washington D.C.,
... read more about Sojourners honors DACA advocate Isabel Castillo ’07, MA ’17, for ‘exceptional efforts’ towards equity and peace

‘Crossing the Line’ Anabaptist women’s history conference attracts scholars, artists and boundary-crossers

Women casting off their bonnets, pushing at the margins of traditional behavior, moving away from their faith communities and into different cultures, writing and speaking of what they were told
... read more about ‘Crossing the Line’ Anabaptist women’s history conference attracts scholars, artists and boundary-crossers

Michael Bischoff MA ’02 on a different way to think about people who receive disability benefits

Michael Bischoff MA '02, who qualifies for disability benefits because of an aggressive brain cancer, suggests that we think anew about "people who receive disability benefits as released friends, people who are released from the normal world of paid work, with the expectation that they will then contribute creatively, socially, spiritually, and culturally to society in powerful ways." ... read more about Michael Bischoff MA ’02 on a different way to think about people who receive disability benefits from Minneapolis Post