Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell

Professor Melody M. Pannell shares experiences in researching the effects of racism and sexism, as well as historical trauma, on the mental health of young black girls in this article for the magazine of Mennonite Women USA.     ... read more about Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell from Timbrel

Scholars from Harrisonburg and Lancaster campuses attend ‘Women Doing Theology’ conference

In a photo taken outside the Women Doing Theology Conference last month, Eastern Mennonite Seminary (EMS) Lancaster student Karyn Nancarvis flexes her muscles and grins. Nancarvis attended the conference in Leesburg,
... read more about Scholars from Harrisonburg and Lancaster campuses attend ‘Women Doing Theology’ conference

Justapaz intern shares hopes for a future Colombian peace billed as ‘impossible’

Senior social work major Elisabeth Wilder spent 12 weeks last summer working for peacebuilding organization Justapaz in Bogota, Colombia. A grant from Eastern Mennonite University’s Peacebuilding and Development Department funded
... read more about Justapaz intern shares hopes for a future Colombian peace billed as ‘impossible’

From the Hill to homeless shelters, this semester’s WCSC scholars gain work experience and grow in community

From brushing shoulders with congressmen and lobbyists to working with homeless people and at-risk youth, students spending the fall semester at the Washington Community Scholars’ Center bring home a range
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Engineering ethics expert brings questions about communication, authority and civic responsibility to Flint crisis

Yanna Lambrinidou wants to teach today’s engineers-in-training how to listen to their clients and extended communities. To that end, the professor in Virginia Tech’s Department of Science and Technology has
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‘Christianity amid systemic racism is an oxymoron’: Visiting pastor Cyneatha Millsaps challenges EMU community

Cyneatha Millsaps is lead pastor of Community Mennonite Church in the Chicago suburb of Markham, Illinois, and multicultural liaison/consultant for Illinois Mennonite Conference. She’s a community activist and advocate for
... read more about ‘Christianity amid systemic racism is an oxymoron’: Visiting pastor Cyneatha Millsaps challenges EMU community