Ten graduating seniors were honored as Cords of Distinction recipients in a ceremony held Saturday afternoon, April 29, 2017 at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU). Faculty, staff and fellow students nominated
... read more about Tributes from faculty and staff to 2017 Cords of Distinction recipients
When Gregory Winship begins teaching a new course of conflict transformation training at a minimum-security prison in Missouri, he waits until the second session to share his past. “The first
... read more about First master’s in restorative justice graduate builds on past to share his vision of justice
Sabrina L. Burress has always had a desire to help young people, especially minorities, successfully navigate some of the challenges she herself faced. “I have always remembered the support of
... read more about Graduate student awarded Minority Youth Program fellowship from the National Board of Certified Counselors Foundation
This course has been postponed until fall 2017. Please contact Patience Kamau, Zehr Institute program director, at patience.kamau@emu.edu for more information. The Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice announces a six-session
... read more about Zehr Institute of Restorative Justice hosts online course on police-community partnerships
After serving two decades in prison for complicity to murder, Gregory Winship was granted parole in 2010. Just a few days ago, in Harrisonburg, he became the first to receive a master’s degree in restorative justice from Eastern Mennonite University. WMRA’s Christopher Clymer Kurtz reports. ... read more about NPR: Meet the first graduate of EMU’s MA in Restorative Justice program from WMRA/NPR
Ten graduating seniors were honored as Cords of Distinction recipients in a ceremony Saturday afternoon, April 29, 2017 at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU). Faculty, staff and fellow students nominated the
... read more about Cords of Distinction awarded to 10 graduating seniors from the class of 2017
Each year, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) engages in a rigorous process to select recipients for the prestigious Yoder Scholarships. Established in 1993 and named for alumni Carol and Paul R. Yoder Jr., the
... read more about Bringing strong ties to EMU, 2017 Yoder Scholars come from Mississippi and Kenya
Hannah Mack-Boll, a senior peacebuilding and development major from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, won the 2017 C. Henry Smith Oratorical Contest at Eastern Mennonite University with her speech, “What is your intention?”
... read more about C. Henry Smith orators apply Christian peace position to contemporary concerns
As the proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” This semester, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) sophomore Jasmine Wilson is learning that maxim’s truth. She’s helping fix firmer
... read more about Jasmine Wilson: Joining a village to become family to vulnerable children
Editor’s note: Within minutes of publishing this article, we were informed that Jonathan Nisly has been offered, and accepted, a job with MANNA. So maybe he really has found his
... read more about Seeing real impact of advocacy work, intern returns for second stint with D.C. housing developer MANNA