Seminary graduates’ capstone research projects reflect learning, act as practical resources for future ministry

On a Sunday afternoon about four years ago, Matthew Bucher was reading as diligently as any first-year graduate student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. When he was invited to a picnic
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Experienced administrators provide leadership in new associate provost and director of operations positions at EMU Lancaster

Counselor, professor and administrator Mary Jensen was recently named associate provost of Eastern Mennonite University’s Lancaster site, which serves approximately 1,000 students in nursing, pastoral studies and graduate education programs.
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Eastern Mennonite Missions president discusses challenges of global mission engagement in Augsburger Lecture series

To explain the dramatic changes in missions engagement over the last half-century, Nelson Okanya, MDiv ’03, president of Eastern Mennonite Missions, utilizes a stark image: a sturdy bridge, spanning a
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Church leaders discuss challenges of ministering to ‘nones’ and millenials at annual School for Leadership Training

Author, scholar and Episcopal priest Lauren Winner opened the annual School for Leadership Training at Eastern Mennonite Seminary with succinct advice for those seeking to understand the changing dynamics affecting
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Teaching sacramental theology in a Mennonite seminary: Descendants of John and Charles Wesley engage descendants of Menno Simons and Ulrich Zwingli and live to tell about it!

Eastern Mennonite Seminary provides this reflection by former professor Daniel L. Garrett for use in public settings such as worship, Bible studies or Sunday school. Please give credit to the author
... read more about Teaching sacramental theology in a Mennonite seminary: Descendants of John and Charles Wesley engage descendants of Menno Simons and Ulrich Zwingli and live to tell about it!