EMU’s Center for Interfaith Engagement presents free film series featuring social justice leaders from around the world

The Center for Interfaith Engagement (CIE) at Eastern Mennonite University presents the film series “Across Cultures: Profiles in Courage and Resilience,” featuring 12 films of various genres, including fiction and
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Seminary’s annual School for Leadership Training focuses on resilience in a time of division and contention

Spiritual practices and tools for developing resilience are the focus of the annual School for Leadership Training at Eastern Mennonite Seminary Jan. 18-20, 2016. “When we spoke to church leaders
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Prayer, discussion, fellowship, fun: weekly Worship Nights benefit from leadership of pastoral, ministry assistants

Making s’mores over a campfire, going out for milkshakes, praying for each other, reading scripture, or conversing about the complexities of life: students in Eastern Mennonite University’s residence halls are
... read more about Prayer, discussion, fellowship, fun: weekly Worship Nights benefit from leadership of pastoral, ministry assistants

Alicia Horst, executive director of NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center, talks about her faith, education and work

Alicia Horst ’01, MDiv ’06, was recently featured in “Seven Questions With …,” a new weekly online feature of The Mennonite which highlights Anabaptist individuals “engaged in important work and
... read more about Alicia Horst, executive director of NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center, talks about her faith, education and work

EMU sets record enrollment with the largest first-year class in decades, while graduate programs show significant growth

Eastern Mennonite University’s traditional undergraduate first-year enrollment for the 2015-16 academic year was its highest in several decades, while graduate programs recorded a 26.4 percent increase in enrollment. The data
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Emeritus professor Calvin Shenk, who led Bible department and championed cross-cultural program, lived a life of Christian witness

Calvin E. Shenk, professor emeritus of religion who taught at Eastern Mennonite University from 1976-2001, has died. He resided in Harrisonburg, Virginia. His wife Marie passed away in 2010. The
... read more about Emeritus professor Calvin Shenk, who led Bible department and championed cross-cultural program, lived a life of Christian witness

Chilean-American writer Marjorie Agosín helps to inaugurate Latino Heritage Month, brings poetry and art to campus

Many on the Eastern Mennonite University campus are anticipating the Sept. 17-18 visit of Chilean-American writer Majorie Agosín. A professor of Latin American studies and Spanish language at Wellesley College,
... read more about Chilean-American writer Marjorie Agosín helps to inaugurate Latino Heritage Month, brings poetry and art to campus

Ripple Church pastors find spiritual nourishment at seminary’s Summer Institute for Spiritual Formation

Imagine hearing the call to urban ministry, selling your lovingly renovated suburban farmhouse where you’ve lived for 25 years, and moving into an inner city apartment. Imagine your congregation shape-shifting
... read more about Ripple Church pastors find spiritual nourishment at seminary’s Summer Institute for Spiritual Formation