In the News: $2M grant gives EMU STEM majors new opportunities

In a news report on Thursday morning, WHSV-TV3 highlighted the $2 million grant awarded to EMU by the National Science Foundation. This grant, one of the largest in EMU's history, will fund annual scholarships for 23 high-achieving, income-eligible STEM majors over the next six years, along with mentoring, tutoring and other support services. ... read more about In the News: $2M grant gives EMU STEM majors new opportunities from WHSV-TV3

Pre-med students gain from summer immersion experiences in med school laboratories, hospitals  

Whether collaborating with graduate students in a university medical center’s research lab or shadowing doctors in hospitals in Peru, several Eastern Mennonite University undergraduate students heading into careers in medicine ... read more about Pre-med students gain from summer immersion experiences in med school laboratories, hospitals  

EMU scientists land at Macquarie University in Australia

"Snapped," a monthly online photo album published by Macquarie University, pictures six undergraduate students from colleges and universities in Virginia who are conducting research with Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.  EMU Professor Jim Yoder, pictured, is with the group. Professor Matt Siderhurst is the author of the grant that funded the research. ... read more about EMU scientists land at Macquarie University in Australia from Macquarie University