Bioethicist and living donor advocate Sigrid Fry-Revere challenges the current organ donor system with questions about why Iran’s system is more responsible and ethical

When bioethicist and living donor advocate Sigrid Fry-Revere learned in 2007 that Iran was the only country in the world that had solved the need for organ donors in a
... read more about Bioethicist and living donor advocate Sigrid Fry-Revere challenges the current organ donor system with questions about why Iran’s system is more responsible and ethical

Chilean-American writer Marjorie Agosín helps to inaugurate Latino Heritage Month, brings poetry and art to campus

Many on the Eastern Mennonite University campus are anticipating the Sept. 17-18 visit of Chilean-American writer Majorie Agosín. A professor of Latin American studies and Spanish language at Wellesley College,
... read more about Chilean-American writer Marjorie Agosín helps to inaugurate Latino Heritage Month, brings poetry and art to campus

New director, a Colombian native and EMU alumnus, now at the helm of popular Harrisonburg International Festival

Boris Ozuna, the new director of Harrisonburg’s International Festival, got his first taste of community organizing as a child in Sincelejo, Colombia. His mother was involved in justice work with
... read more about New director, a Colombian native and EMU alumnus, now at the helm of popular Harrisonburg International Festival