Workshop, chapel and exhibit on ‘Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery’ highlight colonialism and its effects on indigenous peoples

The traveling history exhibit “Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery” is currently open at Eastern Mennonite University’s Campus Center through March 2. The discovery doctrine is a “philosophical and legal framework
... read more about Workshop, chapel and exhibit on ‘Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery’ highlight colonialism and its effects on indigenous peoples

Black History Month activities join campus community in education, celebration and discussions on race

Eastern Mennonite University’s Black History Month events began with a Town Hall on Race and included speakers, a soul food dinner, trivia and game nights, and two movie screenings. Events
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Graduate students excel in ethics and research, placing in American Counseling Association competition and earning invitations to present at a state conference

A team of students from Eastern Mennonite University earned honorable mention in this year’s American Counseling Association ethics competition. Tija Krneta, Michael McAndrew, Lisa Reo and Rebecca Wright received the
... read more about Graduate students excel in ethics and research, placing in American Counseling Association competition and earning invitations to present at a state conference

SALT photojournalist documents MCC and partner projects in Burkina Faso, while teaching photography skills to locals

In ninth grade, a bird’s nest changed the course of James Souder’s life. While playing around with his family’s simple point-and-shoot camera, Souder snapped a photo of a nest in
... read more about SALT photojournalist documents MCC and partner projects in Burkina Faso, while teaching photography skills to locals

With ‘7×7 Laments,’ artist explores revelations of sexual abuse within the church, evokes discord with ‘rays of hope’

When Jerry Holsopple entered his sabbatical at Wesley Theological Seminary’s Luce Center for Art and Religion last year, he wasn’t sure where it would take him. It ended up being
... read more about With ‘7×7 Laments,’ artist explores revelations of sexual abuse within the church, evokes discord with ‘rays of hope’