In daily devotionals, clergywomen supported a fellow Methodist and celebrated the breaking of ‘stained-glass ceilings’

Professor Emily Peck McClain joined with other clergywomen to send daily devotionals to presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, both to support a fellow United Methodist and to acknowledge the work of Clinton and other women who have broken both glass ceilings and stained-glass ceilings. ... read more about In daily devotionals, clergywomen supported a fellow Methodist and celebrated the breaking of ‘stained-glass ceilings’ from United Methodist Church

At Selma in ’65 and again 50 years later: Civil rights activist Bob Zellner visits EMU for two lectures and time with students

Attacks, arrests, threats and the murders of his friends could not deter Bob Zellner, a white Southerner, from fighting for racial equality in the civil rights movement. The lifelong activist
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Visiting scholar researches peace through dance, as EMU explores MFA program in arts, media and peacebuilding

Whether a dancer is trained or untrained, the action of dancing itself creates “contact with different sources of knowledge,” says Paula Ditzel Facci, who spent the fall 2016 semester as
... read more about Visiting scholar researches peace through dance, as EMU explores MFA program in arts, media and peacebuilding